Services include working with business leaders to identify and address where and how strategic plans and corporate policies interact with the law. These services extend across the full spectrum of legal issues facing businesses today.
Services include legal review and advice regarding requests for leave under FMLA/CFRA, to include completeness of required documentation, as well as legal review and advice regarding requests for reasonable accommodation under the ADA. HLC will assist with drafting and/or preparation of communications to employee, and will advise Company (“client”) throughout the ADA-required interactive process.
Services include legal review and advice regarding employee cases where corrective action, to include termination, is being considered. Process includes review of relevant policies, investigations, witness statements, evidence, prior acts documentation, etc., as well as applicable law or regulation. HLC will assist with the drafting and/or review of settlement agreements.
Services include initial consultation to determine the scope of any required investigations, to include identification of relevant policies, laws, or regulations, and then on-call support to the appointed investigator. Additionally, HLC is available to serve as your independent workplace investigator, providing you with both a thorough report of the facts and confidence in the appropriateness of any follow on actions.
Services include consultation with the business leader to understand the nature of any ongoing conflict and to inform the client as to any specific legal concerns that may impact the choice of a particular course of action. HLC will also provide practical advice based on past experience.
Services include review and advice concerning meal and rest periods under California law, issues regarding timekeeping, and assistance with concerns regarding classification of exempt vs non-exempt employees as well as independent contractors vs employees.
Services include reviewing new and/or existing client policies to ensure they are compliant with relevant laws and regulations. Additionally, HLC will review miscellaneous documents the client may receive in the normal course of business that the client would prefer be reviewed for legal sufficiency and/or possible adverse impacts to the business.
HLC will provide requested training regarding employee relations matters to client-designated employee audiences.
HLC will partner with you to ensure your interests are protected while negotiating or reviewing all manner of commercial contracts.